Winter 1998 Daedalus/BARWAN Retreat Materials
The following are copies of the slides from talks given at
the Winter 1998 Daedalus/BARWAN Retreat (January 14-15, 1998), Lake Tahoe, CA.
Note: If references below are distributed in Adobe Acrobat ``pdf''
files, a free viewer can be downloaded from either Adobe, or if you
are on campus, Cornucopia
or SWW.
- Project Overview: Randy Katz
- Transport Protocols for Datagram Satellite Networks: Tom Henderson
- Mobility Enhanced Network Services: Todd Hodes
- TACC Update: Armando Fox
- SPAND (Shared Passive Network Performance Discovery): Mark Stemm
- The Rover Toolkit: Anthony Joseph
Please also visit the
Daedalus home page for papers of the group, some of which were
handed out at the retreat.